Exercise is really quite crucial for your kids. It might be a bit of a challenge, but is there something you could change to make sure your little ones get a bit more exercise? Here are a few ideas to get you started.

  1. Try to walk, cycle or scooter to school. Ok, so fitting that in every day might be a step too far but what about once or twice a week?
  2. Housework chores can be physical and you can get the kids involved. Get them running up and down the stairs with clean laundry for their wardrobes. You don’t have to be as hard as me and make your children do one trip with a single item before returning for another though! What about digging weeds in the garden – get the kids involved. They might even do it for you for 50p or so!
  3. Walking the dog can involve the kids, you don’t have to charge around the block in 5 minutes flat just because the tea needs cooking. Get the children on board. Train them to take the dog on their own if they are old enough or take them along with you. Make it into a walking race.
  4. Check if the kids’ school has any after-school clubs. Often they are free of charge and it means you can collect them slightly later from the school gates and smugly avoid the school-run traffic jams.
  5. Have a ‘sun out telly off’ rule. In our house, if the sun is out, the kids are out, either in the garden or playing with their friends in the park.
  6. Get your kids some exercise-related birthday and christmas presents. Trampolines, scooters, skipping ropes, hula hoops skateboards – whatever your little ones are into.
  7. Check out if there are any Saturday morning clubs in your area. Saturdays are typically when many busy parents do the grocery shopping or housework, so why not see if there is somewhere to drop the kids? Look for football, rugby, gymnastic, drama or dancing clubs.
  8. Once a week try and fit in some family swimming. It’s good fun.
  9. Consider doing some car sharing. You might be too busy to commit to taking the kids to a weekly exercise club, but is there another parent in the same situation? Could you share the transporting?
  10. Remember, a bit of exercise is better than none at all. Don’t feel you have to do all the above! Just pick one or two and remember, small changes are definitely a step in the right direction.