How many times do you feel there is a conflict between you and your spouse and your child is taking advantage of it? How many times you make a decision you and your decision is overridden by your spouse – leading to bitterness between the both of you. Everyone in the house, especially your spouse, has a pressing need to contribute towards the welfare of your child. Difference in views and beliefs make us the individual that we are, children may not know this – their only concern is to get what they want.

And this may lead to a slight bitterness between the two adults. Parenting is all about communication. Be it with the child or with your spouse. It is important for both parents to respect and appreciate each other’s viewpoint. Here are a few do’s and don’t when it comes to parenting as a team: Do’s: – Divide responsibilities.

You may make a rule – problems related to school will be handled by mommy while issues related to friends will be dealt by daddy. This also means you both don’t cross the lines in each other’s zones. If your child has approached your spouse first for a problem – let your spouse address it. Do not interfere unless asked. Appreciate your spouse in his / her absence so your child knows that your bond and understanding are strong. Praise and appreciate each other in front of the child. Don’ts Disagree, argue or criticise the viewpoints of your spouse in the presence of the child. Remember parenting too is about teamwork!